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Why You Should Hire Corporate Cleaning Services for Your Business

Are you running a business or managing an office building? Are you wondering about the benefits of hiring commercial cleaning services?

The daily responsibilities of running a business are time-consuming if you’re doing it right. Your days are filled with communicating with clients and customers, checking industry trends, and making wise plans for the future.  Keeping your business clean is a priority, but finding the time for it is another story. Here’s where corporate cleaning comes in. You can be assured that your business is getting a thorough cleaning and sanitizing while you attend to other business matters.

Here’s why you need to look into hiring corporate cleaning services for your business. 

1. Health and Safety

Since COVID-19 became a worldwide concern, the health and safety of your employees, clients, and visitors have become extremely important. Frequently-touched surfaces need to get wiped down daily with EPA disinfectants. In an office setting, these surfaces include tables, light switches, and countertops. In a store setting, this might be point-of-sale keypads, counters, and shopping carts.

More frequent cleaning will require qualified staff. In addition, you’ll want to be able to count on corporate cleaning services in case your business is in need of a deep clean. Deep cleaning is required when someone in a place of business or school has tested positive for COVID-19. It requires the cleaning of walls, high-touch areas, and hidden “surfaces” where viruses could lurk. These could include behind sinks or the tops of refrigerators.

In addition, carpets, drapes, and linens will need to get cleaned. Your professional cleaners will need to know how to wear proper skin protection and use the right equipment to get your space disinfected without putting themselves at risk.

2. Happy Employees

Believe it or not, a cluttered, dirty business will do more than simply look unpleasant. It can actually fill folks with anxiety and make them less productive. Disorganization can make it difficult for brains to focus and increase the likelihood of injury occurring.

Meanwhile, a clean, organized space will make those who work there feel in control of their environment. They will feel less stressed and enjoy increased focus and a longer attention span. Those who work, shop, and do business in a clean space will enjoy greater peace of mind and a sense of relaxation. They may also enjoy an improved mood and a sense of inspiration.

A clean environment can serve to encourage harmonious relationships among your staff and customers. It can help to keep them active and make work easier.

3. More Complicated Jobs

You and your employees may be able to focus on more simple cleaning tasks in your place of business. These could include wiping down surfaces or re-stocking supplies. Sometimes, however, cleaning jobs require a bit more expertise. These may include steaming carpets, washing drapes, or cleaning baseboards and light fixtures. 

If your cleaning skills are limited when it comes to more complicated jobs, you’ll want to leave the cleaning to the experts. Nothing gives you greater peace of mind than knowing that an experienced, qualified professional cleaner is handling the heavy work in your business space.

4. The Right Equipment

A professional cleaner can actually save you money because you won’t need to invest in heavy-duty cleaning equipment. Many will come to your place of business with all of the right tools so you won’t need to worry about where to find them.

Your professional cleaner will come equipped with long and short dusters for tables, fans, and walls. They’ll bring a vacuum with the right attachments for cleaning stairs and furniture if necessary. Your cleaner will come equipped with wood furniture cleaners, leather cleaners, and disinfectants, depending upon what your business’s needs are. Remember that most professional cleaners have worked in spaces similar to yours before. If you tell them what type of business you have, they can anticipate your needs before you tell them.

Your cleaner will come equipped with smaller items such as dusting mitts, grout cleaners, and toothbrushes for scrubbing hard-to-reach areas. They may bring toilet bowl brushes, soap scum remover, and cleaning powder. Your cleaner will have the equipment to vacuum carpets and shampoo them when it’s necessary. They’ll also have extra equipment for thoroughly cleaning windows. If you feel that keeping your business fully stocked with cleaning equipment would be a job in itself, calling a professional cleaner can save you a lot of time and money.

5. A Proven, Effective Method

Cleaning can take a long time if you’re new to it. Figuring out where to start, how long to spend on each task, and what needs to get done can become an energy and time-consuming affair.

By hiring a professional company, however, you’re ensuring that your professionals know the most efficient way to complete jobs. They’ll have a reliable system and a workforce that’s familiar with the best way to complete tricky tasks such as cleaning hard-to-reach surfaces. If you want your job done with professional efficiency, calling a professional could be one of the smartest moves you can make for your business.

6. Help for Allergies and Asthma

If you have employees or clients who suffer from allergies and asthma, a professional company could mean the difference between a pleasant working environment and a trip to the doctor.  Dust mites can thrive in dirty environments. Pollen, pet hair, and mold can also pile up, leaving people with unpleasant symptoms such as sneezing, running noses, runny eyes, and itching.

Complications from allergies include the development of sinusitis and asthma. This could require frequent medical treatment or even emergency care. Symptoms of allergies can also be a risk factor for the development of other disorders such as anxiety, depression, and sleep deprivation. If you want your staff to be healthy both physically and mentally, it pays to keep your office as allergy-preventative as possible.

A diligent cleaning routine that includes a deep-cleaning of linens, carpets, and drapes can really help the allergy sufferers in your place of business. Getting rid of clutter and using an air filter can also help to keep your employees and customers happy. 

7. Less Sick Days

If you want your employees to stay healthy and take fewer sick days, a cleaner environment could be key. Germs will be less likely to spread, and your employees will stay happy and productive.  If you’d rather worry about what to do with your extra profit than where to find a replacement, hiring a professional cleaning company could be well worth the investment. 

8. A Decrease in Air Pollution

A dirty office can lead to air pollution, which can affect employee productivity in a number of ways. It could cause headaches, fatigue, or irritability. If you want to maintain optimum indoor air quality, make sure you hire a cleaning service to get rid of any pollutants. It also helps to ventilate rooms after cleaning products get used.

9. A Good First Impression

When customers or prospective clients enter your business for the first time, you’ll want them to be assured that they’re dealing with a quality, professional organization. Dirty windows or a soiled floor will leave them wondering how much you actually care.

A squeaky clean retail space or office, however, lets outsiders know that your business is well-run. They’ll get the impression that you’re serious about order and detail. And they’ll trust that you can manage larger matters with equal aplomb.

10. Fewer Injuries

A cluttered space is just waiting for injuries to happen. Soap spilled in the bathroom, for example, could cause someone to slip and blame you for negligence. If you’re concerned that your own staff is too busy with their daily responsibilities to think twice about cleanliness, make sure you hire a professional cleaning company. They can take care of cleanliness issues so your office or store is safe at all times.

11. Insurance Liability 

Outsourcing the cleaning work in your building means that your janitorial company is responsible for keeping and maintaining industry standards and the latest best practices. This means that, if something goes wrong, you could be off the hook. If you’re concerned about insurance liability when it comes to the spread of germs or injuries, make sure you’ve got professional corporate cleaners.

12. More Time for Other Business

As a business owner, your time is precious. You may be up until all hours worried about matters such as keeping track of cash flow, managing supplies, and distributing products. You could be taking care of customers, managing your staff, and advertising your products or services. Keeping your business at its best requires that you’re involved in big-picture thinking on a regular basis. Many business owners and managers are working through details until late at night to make sure their business runs optimally.

The time it takes to clean your office or retail space from top to bottom may simply not be available to you. Or you may find that it could be better spent on other tasks. A professional cleaning company can declutter, disinfect, and stock your business with cleaning supplies and paper goods. It could end up saving you the money you need to be the best business owner possible. 

13. Customizing Your Job

If you hire one cleaning service for regular jobs, they may give you a better price because you plan on using their service often.

Using a single company for all your cleaning needs means that you’ll also get a service that’s tailored to your business requirements. Do you need the company to be available for occasional deep-cleanings or carpet-shampooings? Do you need someone to wipe down surfaces each night? A cleaning company that knows your space can tailor its services to meet the needs of your business. They will know how to do the job efficiently and leave your office sparkling.

The Right Corporate Cleaning Service

You don’t want to hire just any commercial cleaning service when the time comes. Make sure you choose a local company as these folks will have the best knowledge of the regulations and common building problems in your area. It will also be easy for them to get to you if you have some last-minute cleaning needs. You can get recommendations from other businesses in your area that use corporate cleaning. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Are they pleased with the job that gets done? Is the staff friendly and professional? Are there ever any unexpected fees?

You can also read online reviews to get an idea of what former clients are saying. If you see a lot of positive comments, chances are that your experience will be more than satisfactory. The exact price of your cleaning service will depend upon a number of factors. These include the square footage of your space, extra cleaning requirements, and the location of your office. Before you hire a corporate cleaning service, get at least three estimates. You’ll want to know that the price you’re getting is reasonable for your geographical location and office size.

That being said, the best price isn’t always the optimal service for your business. If you know that you’ll get quality, customized cleaning that will keep your staff and customers happy for years, the investment could be well worth it.

Shining On

If your business is a central location for employees, customers, and clients, a corporate cleaning service could be necessary for everyone’s health and well-being. With a little research, you could find a company that will keep your staff and clientele happy for years. Don’t stop getting smart about your business’s cleanliness now. For more information on quality corporate cleaning services, contact us today.