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Should You Hire Commercial Cleaning Services During the Holiday Season?

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is already here. For many businesses, this means extra foot traffic and more paying customers. The busier your business gets over the holidays, the less time you have to worry about cleaning.

You want to wow your customers with your holiday charm. You don’t want them to see dull floors, dirty bathrooms, or dusty shelves. Commercial cleaning services can help you maintain a sparkling clean business without any of the work or worry. Here are some ways commercial cleaning can help your business shine this holiday season.

Holiday Foot Traffic

During the holidays, people are out and about more. That means they are shopping for gifts, eating out, having drinks, and enjoying the holiday decor. If your business experiences more foot traffic during the holiday season, you want to keep your floors sparkling clean.

Your floors take a beating with people standing in line and walking around your business. And this is especially true if it’s raining, sleeting, or snowing outside. A dirty, wet floor looks unappealing to visitors and can be a hazard as well. Whether your floors are tile, wood, or cement, a commercial cleaning services has the tools to keep it looking its best throughout the busy holiday season.

Keep Customers and Employees Healthy

You want your business to look great for the holidays. But it’s even more important to make sure it’s a safe and healthy environment for your customers and employees. The winter season is also cold and flu season. Throw a pandemic into the mix and it’s more important than ever to stop the spread of germs within your building.

Commercial cleaners understand how to clean and sanitize your business. They know how to pay special attention to hot spots and common areas. When crowds are around, you need to consider common touchpoints in the workplace. These include:

  • Light switches
  • Door handles
  • Elevator buttons
  • Desktops
  • Counter space
  • Appliance handles
  • Copy machines

Your customers and employees deserve the best. Be sure to choose an experienced cleaning service to keep your space clean and sanitized to promote good health.

Extended Holiday Hours

Many businesses extend their operating hours to accommodate an increase in customers during the holiday season. If your business hours change, you may need to adjust your cleaning hours or need more frequent cleanings due to an increase in foot traffic.

You’re busy, and you may not have the time to worry about the cleanliness of your business right now. Let a commercial cleaning company handle those worries for you. They can work around your business hours to ensure sure your business is clean and ready for the holiday crowd.

Forget the Hassle 

Many new business owners attempt to do it all. They try to run their business and take care of the day-to-day cleaning and maintenance issues too. It’s difficult to keep your business running while you worry about the bathroom, floors, and trash cans. It’s stressful and often impossible to handle every aspect of running a business.

Hiring an outside company frees you from having to hire or fire janitorial staff. You don’t have to buy or order cleaning supplies or deal with the daily stresses of keeping a commercial building clean. Save yourself and your employees the hassle of trying to keep your business clean. Professional cleaners have the skill and the tools to keep your business looking great year-round.

Make Your Office Space Shine

When your business looks clean, it’s more inviting to customers and your employees too. Regular cleanings keep your business looking its best. During the holidays, this is especially important. People want to see beautiful trees, lights, and holiday decor. They don’t want to see dingy floors and dirty bathrooms.

Keeping your business clean is good for your brand. It shows you care about your building, your employees, and your customers.

Holiday shoppers want to see sparkle and shine. Enlist the help of commercial cleaners to keep your business in tip-top shape this holiday season and beyond.

Busy Holiday Shoppers

Holiday shoppers are busy, and they can be a little messy during the holiday rush. Constant foot traffic, muddy shoes and boots, and drips and spills can create quite a mess and possible hazards as well. You want to be able to meet and greet your customers. But you don’t want to worry about cleaning up after them. 

Professional cleaning services can do the job for you. Hiring an expert team to clean and sanitize your business helps you run your business more efficiently. Let the cleaning team do what they do best to keep your floors, furniture, equipment, bathrooms, and more looking their best for your holiday customers.

Save Money Over Time

As a business owner, you may look for ways to cut corners and save money whenever you can. Hiring a professional team to clean your business is cost-effective and could save you money over time. When your business stays clean, you can avoid problems like mold and mildew that can lead to damage and future repair costs. Customers appreciate a clean business and are more likely to come back if they enjoy the atmosphere of your business.

Whatever business you may be in, you need a clean and healthy space for your employees and customers too. Hiring someone who’s inexperienced may save you money short-term but cost you later. Hiring professionals who know what they’re doing is the way to go. Taking care of your business now will keep it looking great and save you money over time.

Value Your Time

As a business owner, your time is already stretched to the limit. Time is money, and you may not have the time to devote to cleaning or supervising a cleaning team. Delegating cleaning tasks to your regular employees is never a good idea. It takes them away from their responsibilities, and they won’t appreciate adding cleaning to their to-do list.

Leaving the cleaning tasks to a professional service will save you time and help you concentrate on what matters most.

Lower Your Holiday Stress

The holidays are fun yet stressful for many people, and business owners are no exception. Worrying about cleaning and sanitizing your business is stressful and takes away from the enjoyment of the season.

You want your business to look festive for the holidays, and keeping it clean is part of the package. Take this worry away by hiring a team of experts to keep your business clean and sanitized. Professional cleaners have the tools, knowledge, and experience to keep your business looking its best during the holidays and the rest of the year as well.

Consider Workplace Safety

A messy, cluttered workspace is a danger to employees and customers alike. As a business owner, you’re responsible for providing a safe environment for your staff and anyone who walks through your door. Regular cleaning keeps things tidy and in their place. It lowers the risk of spreading germs, bacteria, and viruses.

Slick or grimy floors lead to slips and falls which can result in lawsuits and lost revenue for you. Keeping your business space clean reduces the risk of sickness or injury. A clean and safe workplace benefits your employees, customers, and your bottom line.

Increase Workplace Productivity 

A clean work environment leads to more productivity. When you give your employees a clean, safe, and healthy place to work, they are more likely to come to show up and do their best.

Working in a dirty environment is miserable. It makes employees feel like you don’t appreciate them or care about their health and wellbeing. Show your employees you value them by providing the safest and cleanest space possible. Commercial cleaners can keep your building, offices, bathrooms, and equipment clean and sanitized for all your valuable employees.

Demonstrate Professionalism

First impressions matter. And you want your customers or clients to have a positive first impression when they walk through your door. A clean, organized workplace demonstrates professionalism. It shows you care about the health and safety of your customers. 

A dirty business is a turnoff for customers, especially during the pandemic we now face. This could send valuable business to your competitors as people are putting a high value on cleanliness at this time. A clean workplace is good for your brand and the success of your business.

Experience Matters

It may be tempting to hire the cheapest cleaning service you can find. This is one area you want to consider experience over cost. A professional, experienced team understands how to clean a commercial building. They have the right equipment, products, and knowledge to do the job right the first time and every time.

The Best Commercial Cleaning Services in NYC 

The holiday season is the perfect time of the year to hire commercial cleaning services for your business. An experienced team will help keep your business looking its best for the holiday rush.

If you’re searching for commercial cleaning services for your NYC business, our experienced team is here to help. Contact us today for more information.